Hilltown Land Trust has conserved over 5,000 acres of land in our 13-town service area. On this page, you can read about our conserved land, or you can view a map of protected lands in our service area or find information about hiking trails on our conserved properties.
Properties Owned by Hilltown Land Trust

Bradley Sanctuary, Williamsburg: 41 acres with a 2 mile loop trail system. Gift of Oliver Bradley and Barbara Bradley Rust.
Click here for a trail map and more information.
Breckenridge Sanctuary, Williamsburg: 67 acres with a 1 mile loop trail system. Gift of Margaret Breckenridge.
Click here for a trail map and more information.
Jackson Swamp, Worthington: 110 landlocked acres without a public access easement. Gift of Karl Davies Sr.
Stevens and Weiss, Huntington & Westhampton: Over 460 acres including nearly 5 miles of hiking trails. Much of this property was gifted by Frank Stevens. An adjacent 82 acres of forest land gifted by Dr. Nancy Weiss.
Click here for a trail map and more information.

Hastings, Worthington: 60+ acres of forest land on Prentice Road donated by Wilmont Hastings. There are currently no formal trails on this property.
Conwell, South Worthington: 70 acres of forest land with 3 miles of out-and-back trails. Gift of Cynthia Conwell Cook and Peter Cook. Click here for a trail map and more information.
Lashway, Westhampton: 145 acres of forest land on Hanging Mountain as well as over a mile of frontage along Robert’s Meadow Brook. This property is accessible from North Road, but there are currently no formal trails on the property.
Conservation Restrictions (CRs) held by Hilltown Land Trust
- Hilltown Land Trust holds Conservation Restrictions for 35 privately owned properties and is adding more CRs each year.
- Many of the landowners who have a Conservation Restriction with HLT have also opened sections of their properties to be used as hiking trails open to the public.
- Taproot Commons Farm in Cummington has a short trail to a waterfall open to the public.
- The Freedberg property, has two trails that lead to Round Top Hill, the highest elevation in Hampden County in Chester.
- The Redwin property has a trail with views of Roberts Meadows Brook in Westhampton.
Agricultural Preservation Restrictions (APRs) and other projects facilitated by HLT*
- Krug Sugarbush, Chesterfield: 80 acres transferred to MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR).
- Long Pond, Chesterfield: 28 acres adjacent to Krug Sugarbush, also transferred to MA DCR.
- Albert Airstrip Parcel APR, Worthington: 138 acres
- Kellogg Farm APRs, Worthington: 250 acres
- Chucklebrook Farm APR, Worthington: 80 acres
- Big View Trail Voluntary Public Access easement in Williamsburg
- Historic Dam Trail Voluntary Public Access easement in Williamsburg
*Note, most APR projects are now managed directly by the MA Department of Agricultural Resources without the involvement of a third party such as a land trust.