Since 1986, Hilltown Land Trust (HLT) has protected 43 properties totaling over 5,000 acres. We own eight properties where we maintain several public hiking trails and host regular events. HLT serves thirteen rural towns in western Massachusetts (Ashfield, Chester, Chesterfield, Conway, Cummington, Goshen, Huntington, Middlefield, Plainfield, Westhampton, Williamsburg, Windsor and Worthington). Our mission is to maintain the area’s working farms and forests as a vital part of hilltown life, and to protect the area’s rich ecological resources, species diversity, native habitats, water quality, and unique scenic landscapes.
HLT is a non-profit, accredited land trust. Join the Hilltown Land Trust to help support the work we do. Members receive our quarterly newsletter, reduced price or free admission to events, and notifications about special events.