Donate Online
Your generous support makes it possible to conserve and take care of ecologically valuable land in the Hilltowns. You can make a gift online with your credit card or PayPal.
Become a Sustaining Member
Sustaining Members ensure a steady stream of support for land protection and stewardship by making monthly gifts of $5 or more per month. Become a Sustaining Member online and show your love for the Hilltowns!
Donate By Mail
If you prefer to make a gift by mail, please download this form and mail it with your gift to our offices at 332 Bullitt Rd / Ashfield MA 01330.
Legacy Giving
Making a planned gift is a wonderful way to show your support for the “forever” part of land conservation work. Visit our Green Legacy Circle page to learn more about ways to include Hilltown Land Trust in your plans.
Gifts of Stock/Securities
Hilltown Land Trust can accept gifts of stock or securities. Please contact Katie Carr, HLT’s Development & Communications Coordinator, for more details about making this type of gift.
Matching Gifts
Many companies offer matching gift programs in which your employer will match your gift to Hilltown Land Trust. Please check with your employer to see if they match gifts. Matching gift forms can be mailed to our offices at 332 Bullitt Road / Ashfield MA 01330 or sent via email.
Donor Advised Funds
A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) is like a bank account for charitable giving. You deposit money into this account, which you can then allocate to support the charities you care about. You can grant an outright gift to Hilltown Land Trust from your DAF, and when you designate Hilltown Land Trust as your beneficiary for a portion or all of the fund’s value upon the fund’s termination, you become a member of the Green Legacy Circle. To support HLT in this way, contact your financial institution to recommend a grant be made to HLT from your fund.
Real Estate
Gifts of land with conservation value can help further Hilltown Land Trust’s mission to protect and care for ecologically important land. Houses, buildings, and other developed real estate can be donated as trade properties: the sale of the property then provides funding for conservation projects.
Hilltown Land Trust was founded in 1986 as an all-volunteer organization. We have grown since then to be a small staffed nonprofit, but our volunteers remain essential to achieving our mission. Learn more about volunteering and volunteer opportunities on our volunteer page.
Spread the Word
Bring a friend to an event or introduce them to our trails, share our posts on Facebook or Instagram, or share your copy of our newsletter with a friend or family member!