One of the easiest ways to make an enduring gift to Hilltown Land Trust is through planned giving methods such as a bequest. A bequest is a gift made as part of a will or trust. There are different options for giving through a bequest and some sample language is provided below for different types of bequests.
If you have any questions about making a provision in your will or living trust to benefit Hilltown Land Trust, we would be happy to work with you and your advisers. We can provide sample language for bequests, but we cannot provide professional legal or tax advice. We strongly advise that you obtain the assistance of an attorney and/or estate tax expert before making or revising your will or living trust.
For questions, send an email or call Katie Carr, Development & Communications Coordinator, at (413) 628-4485, ext 5.
Click here to download a copy of this suggested bequest language.
Cash Bequest
I give, devise, and bequeath the sum of $_________ to Hilltown Land Trust, Inc, a Massachusetts non-profit corporation with offices in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Tax ID: 22-2831145, to be used or disposed of as Hilltown Land Trust, Inc. in its sole discretion deems appropriate.
Residuary Bequest
Percentage of Residue:
I give, devise, and bequeath ___________ percent of the residue of my estate to Hilltown Land Trust, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation with offices in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Tax ID: 22-2831145, to be used or disposed of as Hilltown Land Trust, Inc. in its sole discretion deems appropriate.
Entire residue:
I give, devise, and bequeath the entire value of the residue of my estate to Hilltown Land Trust, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation with offices in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Tax ID: 22-2831145, to be used or disposed of as Hilltown Land Trust, Inc. in its sole discretion deems appropriate.
Bequest of Real Estate
In the case of a bequest of land that has conservation value, we urge you to talk with the staff of Hilltown Land Trust before the will or living trust is signed. This will ensure that your wishes guide the Trust’s decisions about the future conservation and disposition of the property.
I give, devise, and bequeath all of my right, title, and interest in and to real estate located at __________ (give address and describe property) to Hilltown Land Trust, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation with offices in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Tax ID: 22-2831145, to be used or disposed of as Hilltown Land Trust, Inc. in its sole discretion deems appropriate.
Contingent Bequests
A contingent bequest provides for the disposition of the estate if one or more of the named beneficiaries fails to survive the donor. It can be used in conjunction with a specific bequest or a residuary bequest.
If any of the above-named beneficiaries should predecease me, I hereby bequeath the deceased beneficiary/beneficiaries share(s) to Hilltown Land Trust, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation with offices in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Tax ID: 22-2831145, to be used or disposed of as Hilltown Land Trust, Inc. in its sole discretion deems appropriate.
Restricted Use
If the gift to Hilltown Land Trust is for a purpose other than the unrestricted use of Hilltown Land Trust, insert the restriction in place of the words “to be used or disposed of as Hilltown Land Trust in its sole discretion deems appropriate.” For example:
I give, devise, and bequeath the sum of $_________ to Hilltown Land Trust, Inc., a Massachusetts non-profit corporation with offices in Ashfield, Massachusetts, Tax ID: 22-2831145, for the following use: _____________.
In the event of a gift subject to a restriction, we would appreciate your consulting with us to determine if the restriction is appropriate for Hilltown Land Trust. We also suggest including one of the following provisions:
However, I impose no legal or equitable obligation in this regard.
If in the judgment of Hilltown Land Trust, Inc. it becomes, or is likely to become, impossible or impractical to accomplish the purposes of this gift, the income or principal, or both, may be used for such related purposes and in such manners as determined by Hilltown Land Trust, Inc.