Date(s) - Oct 13th, 2021
9:00 am - 11:00 am
Explore the route less traveled at Chapel Brook Reservation on a moderate hike along the DAR Trail. Together with HLT Community Engagement Coordinator Sarah Welch, deepen your awareness of the natural world with guided activities and an autumn forest walk. All ages welcome. We will be walking and doing some simple nature observations along the DAR trail, which bypasses the falls and Pony Mountain to ramble through the forest along the high banks of Chapel Brook to the west.
During this program, we will be walking about 1-1.5 miles round trip, depending on group speed and preferences. We’ll be sticking together, and moving at the speed of the slowest person in the group. This program is about being still and observing, not rushing, and is suitable for both adults and children. We’ll be walking on a hilly trail with occasional steep and narrow spots, as well as the potential for occasional roots and ruts. Unfortunately, the terrain is not wheelchair accessible. Please reach out to if you have further questions about accessibility.
Please read our in-person event procedures below. For everyone’s safety and comfort, we will be following these procedures for all of our in-person events until further notice.
This event is FREE, donations gratefully accepted. Advance registration is required, see RSVP form below.