Even though we are enjoying the beauty of the Hilltowns in summer, it is a bittersweet time as we say goodbye to our TerraCorps members, who serve an 11-month term with HLT ending in July.
Brigid and Susan have contributed so much this year, from taking care of our conserved land to organizing fun and educational events for the public. Here are a couple of their favorite moments from their year with HLT.
Brigid says “One of my favorite moments this year was when I was planning for the Plant ID hike at the Williams’ property. The morning was full of pouring rain showers but as soon as we met at the property to hike the weather cleared to be beautiful and sunny. Its funny how things work out in your favor sometimes!”
Susan says “One of my favorite moments was eating the fabulous vegetarian food with participants from our Hike and Lunch at Earthdance. Earthdance is not a public restaurant, but the food and graciousness of the cook and hosts were heart and tummy warming!”
Please join us in thanking them for their service this year and wishing them luck in whatever the future holds!