Illustration by Sarah Welch
Hilltown Land Trust is excited to announce we recently acquired a 105-acre forested property in Worthington adjacent to the Conwell property. This project will allow us to extend the existing trails at Conwell and create a loop trail, expanding and enhancing recreational opportunities in Worthington and the Hilltowns!
In addition to building new trails, the conservation of this property will have tremendous benefit for local wildlife. Animals like mink, bear, moose, fox, and others need corridors of wild lands to safely access their preferred habitat. This newly-conserved land connects to thousands of acres of woodlands, wetlands, and rivers nearby, including many properties conserved by HLT, MassWildlife, and the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation.
Land conservation projects like this one are only possible because individuals and organizations come together with a common purpose to advance a goal. Many thanks to all the HLT donors and volunteers whose support enabled this project. This land acquisition was also supported by funding from MassWildlife, which now holds a Conservation Restriction over the entire Conwell property.
We hope to have these trails built by the end of 2023. Stay tuned to our e-news, website, and social media for an announcement when the new trails officially open and for opportunities to help with the trail work to make this happen!